Legal Liberty

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Advocates &

Associates in Action

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Best writer awarded by Daily Publication -2017

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Based in California, lawyers seek to continually improve their skills and approach to deliver legal advice suitable for today.

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The law firm boasts a team of highly skilled attorneys, committed to delivering exceptional legal services and ensuring justice for their clients. Specializing in diverse legal fields, the law firm provides a comprehensive range of services, from dispute resolution and litigation to strategic counsel, empowering clients to navigate legal complexities successfully.

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We’ve teamed up with the top advisors and providers in our space with the vision of helping investors build the future of money. Young Law Group’s founder, Eric L. Young, is a seasoned member of the plaintiff’s bar with a distinguished track record in whistleblower litigation. Eric claims acts.

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Our practice areas

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Criminal Defense

We work within a learn-build-iterate loop. With flexibility built in, make it on the go to achieve the perfect fit. Young Law Group’s founder, Eric L.

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Domestic Violence

We work within a learn-build-iterate loop. With flexibility built in, make it on the go to achieve the perfect fit. Young Law Group’s founder, Eric L.

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Organized Crime

We work within a learn-build-iterate loop. With flexibility built in, make it on the go to achieve the perfect fit. Young Law Group’s founder, Eric L.

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Practice Item IconPractice Item Icon
Violent Crimes

We work within a learn-build-iterate loop. With flexibility built in, make it on the go to achieve the perfect fit. Young Law Group’s founder, Eric L.

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5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .

5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .  5+ years OF EXPERIENCE  .

Our recent case studies

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Juvenile Crimes

Property crimes involve the unlawful interference else's possessions.

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Insider Trading

Violent crimes shatter the fragile tapestry of peace, leaving behind.

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Property Crimes

In the realm of property crimes, shadows wield the tools of theft.

We work with the best

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It’s a pleasure working with Bunker on our new brand positioning guidelines and translating them beautifully and consistently into our on-going marketing communications.

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Daniyel Karlos

Senior Director of Marketing

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It’s a pleasure working with Bunker on our new brand positioning guidelines and translating them beautifully and consistently into our on-going marketing communications.

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Daniyel Karlos

Senior Director of Marketing

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It’s a pleasure working with Bunker on our new brand positioning guidelines and translating them beautifully and consistently into our on-going marketing communications.

Client Testimonial Author Image
Daniyel Karlos

Senior Director of Marketing


Meet our lawyers

Eleanor Pena
Witness Interviews
Esther Howard
Property Recovery
Jenny Wilson
Public Assistance
Jenny Wilson
Real Estate

Legal luminary award

Awwwards Interior Excellence

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Advocate Triumph Award

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Juris Brilliance Award

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Advance High Technology

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Saturday - Thursday :
8:30 am - 10:45 pm
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